Fully Funded Grants
Grant Submitter: David Eto
Grant Description: This grant funded the replacement of computer labs at Atwater and Lake Bluff Elementary Schools. These two labs were about seven years old, and showing their age. The computers will be used heavily for testing, such as the new Forward Exam and MAP testing, as well as for class projects and overall student learning.
Grant Amount: $31,890
Grant Submitter: Julie Cabaniss
Grant Description: This grant helped fund Lab Quest and Environmental Data for Shorewood High School students. Students will have the tools to conduct authentic research and problem solve in both our science classrooms and out in the field, on a level we are currently not equipped to do. The Vernier sensors will give students the ability to collect subtle changes in temperature, pH, conductivity, motion, temperature, which subsequently will provide data and evidence by which students can build arguments and continue their research. The Vernier Solar and Wind Energy Kits will allow Physical Science Students to truly understand how wind and solar energy work and the sensors will allow them to gauge the efficiency and effectiveness of their own windmill design as well as give them the ability to analyze solar energy in depth. Students will be able to conduct energy audits of the Shorewood facilities and their own homes using these sensors.
Grant Amount: $14,088.82
Grant Submitter: Susan Fox
Grant Description: This grant funded the purchase of 10 iMac computers for Shorewood High School GradPoint classes. These computers will improve the functionality of the online credit recovery program currently used by at-risk students at the school. At the end of the last school year, NovaNET, the original online program, was discontinued and the new program requires significantly more memory in order to perform reliably. The original computers were purchased in 2009 and these new computers would also be available as additional resources as needed for building and district wide initiatives.
Grant Amount: $10,490
Grant Submitter: Kelsey Cappellano
Grant Description: This grant funded the purchase of 10 Chromebooks and two file cabinets for math classrooms at Shorewood Intermediate School. Five Chromebooks and a file cabinet will be used in each math classrooms. The file cabinets will securely and safely store the Chromebooks when not in use. All Shorewood Intermediate School math students (7th and 8th graders) will benefit directly from this proposal which equals approximately 300 students.
Grant Amount: $3,877.47
Grant Submitter: Coleen Tutton
Grant Description: This grant helped to fund a music recording system to benefit the Shorewood High School and Shorewood Intermediate School orchestra, band, choir and theatre departments. This system will allow a high quality recording of student rehearsals and performances as well as immediate, efficient, and user-friendly playback in the classroom or on the students’ computer. The educational benefits and goals of such a system include analysis, reflection, and critique of their personal and group performances for discussion and improvement.
Grant Amount: $3,779.80
Grant Submitter: Debra Schwin
Grant Description: This grant helped fund a Better than a Smartboard project at Shorewood High School. The project would test if the combination of an HDMI friendly projector, an Apple-TV, a digital friendly screen and an iPad is a reasonable, more cost effective and upgradeable system than a Smartboard. The combinations should have most of the features of a Smartboard, and allows for reduced maintenance and software improvements.
Grant Amount: $856