Volunteer Opportunities

Ways to Volunteer

SEED is a 100% volunteer-run organization. Volunteers are an essential part everything we do to raise money for Shorewood Public Schools. Many hands make light work. When you get involved as a volunteer you not only help our schools, but it is also a great way to connect with other parents.

You do not need to be a SEED board member to get involved with SEED, many of the roles are a great way to get a feel for the organization and are often feeder positions for future board seats.

Below is a list of opportunities available. If you have an interest or experience in any of the areas listed, please fill out the form at the bottom of the webpage and a SEED Board Member will be in touch.

Marketing Experience

Our marketing team is growing, and we need help in all areas. If you have experience or an interest in learning more about any of the roles listed below, please reach out to us. SEED needs:

  • Writers – Experience writing promotional, informational, and other content. Bonus if you have experience with non-profits.
  • Graphic Designers – Help develop print and digital pieces for events and annual fund materials. Experience using Adobe Creative Suite including Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.
  • Social Media Strategists – Someone to create a calendar and schedule posts to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Email Marketers – Maintain email lists and set up and send out email campaigns using MailChimp.
  • Communicators – Someone with a communications background to help write, strategize, organize content, and ensure consistent messaging across all platforms. Will help coordinate with the District and Shorewood Schools to make sure SEED is represented in school newsletters.
  • Photography/Videographers – Someone to film and edit short videos and take photos at our schools and events for use in marketing pieces.

Special Events Planning

  • Swing with Shorewood – Auction Acquisitions
    Reach out to previous donors to seek their support. Help find potential new donors and other creative ideas for new items and experiences are also welcome. We have an online auction as well as some big ticket items available at the in-person gala.

  • Swing with Shorewood – Auction Sponsorship & Advertising
    Join the Sponsorship & Advertising Team and reach out to previous donors and area businesses to ask for their support.

  • Swing with Shorewood – Gala Ambiance
    Come up with ideas to make the gala look amazing and tie into the theme for the event.

  • Swing with Shorewood – Raffle Sales
    Help sell raffle tickets at school events and/or the evening of the gala.

  • Dine for SEED
    Dine for SEED is an evening where local restaurants give a portion of their proceeds to SEED. Volunteers can help reach out to area restaurants to see if they would like to participate and follow up after the event.

  • bRUNch 5k
    Volunteers are needed to help organize, promote and assist with helping out on race day.

Annual Fund

Giving to SEEDs Annual Fund makes a difference in the education of every child attending our schools. Volunteering your time help raise awareness about SEED’s Annual Fund is important. The Annual Fund can always use help to reach out to past donors through phone calls, writing letters, and other ways to means to help share information about the campaign.

  • Annual Fund Co-Chair
    The Annual Fund is SEED’s largest fundraiser. The co-chair will work with the Annual Fund Chair to coordinate the strategy, messaging, print materials, social media, email scheduling and other forms of outreach. Fundraising and/or non-profit experience will be helpful.


To express interest or learn more about any of the opportunities listed, contact the Shorewood SEED Foundation.